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Buses and trains for free!

If you stay overnight in the Upper Black Forest, you can use buses and trains between Pforzheim and Basel, Karlsruhe and Waldshut free of charge throughout the Black Forest holiday region: for your hike, your excursion or your shopping spree.

It's that easy:

When you register with your host in one of our holiday locations, you will receive the guest card. The guest card bears the KONUS symbol and is thus a free ticket, along with many other services.

You only pay the usual tourist tax. The KONUS guest card is valid for the period of your stay in all buses and trains of the participating transport associations in the KONUS area of validity in 2nd class (except for ICE, IC and EC as well as mountain railways and some leisure and hiking buses). Bikes are free of charge on all regional S-Bahn routes and on the Rheintalbahn, depending on the available capacity. The exception is the morning rush hour on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Small animals that can be transported in a secure container, such as a bag, also travel free of charge. A ticket must be purchased for larger animals. 

Further information:

Bicycle transport in the RVF

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